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Maximizing Your Content Creation Potential During Slow Business Periods

Being a photographer during the slow season is... scary! Not only are bookings few and far between, it can be hard to ensure your business is staying relevant on social media (and in your client's minds) as you have no new content to post since bookings are well...few and far between! With 7 slow seasons in my rear-view, I have learned a few things to make the most of this time and actually bring bookings in.


When posting images this time of year, choose images that are from this time of year! Here in Colorado, Winters are very golden beige and snow filled. Posting an image of lush green fields would be out of place. By showcasing winter images, you are inspiring clients to book a session outside of the usual Summer-Fall timeframe. Dig through your archives of last year's images or host a model call for a session! Neither of those sound good? You can never go wrong with studio session content!


Anytime I am creating content for my own photography business, I follow the 95/5 rule. This means I am purely SERVING my clients 95% of the time with 95% of what I post. The other 5% is when I am selling to my clients and directly advertising. Use this time of year to educate clients on location options, wardrobe choices, sharing about your favorite vendors like Hair & Make Up or even spotlighting your own favorite local small businesses. I love to use this time of year to call out my favorite Chiropractor and boutiques. Are they 100% relevant to photography? Not at all! It is how I SERVE without the intention of making a sale. Bonus: it keeps your clients thinking about you and can help build local relationships!


When in doubt, post about YOU! Share about why you started your business, what you are passionate about, any past careers you have, your own family, etc. While I think sharing your favorite drink is a bit overrated, the power of letting your clients get to know you is HUGE. Prospective clients who get to know you via social media are more likely to book with you. They also will feel more comfortable in front of your camera and LOVE their images even more. I generally avoid politics (everyone gets enough of that in other areas) and religion, but regularly share content on disability advocacy, my work here at CapABLE, and how I tie in my past life as a pediatric nurse to being a photographer. You can regularly see short clips of my kids & cats in IG stories. If you do not post your children on social media, totally fine! Check out Jenna Kutcher's IG for inspo on sharing content in your business without kids' faces.

I hope this helps you in posting consistently during this slow season. After all, consistency truly is queen.

Happy Creating!



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